Suicide Prevention Webinar Series

This live series has ended. You can download the recordings here.

Webinar 1 – Understanding the Increasing Risks

Tuesday, September 20 from 12 – 1 p.m. CDT

suicide prevention

Suicide rates continue to significantly increase, and we are seeing more children than ever experiencing mental health crises. Special populations are at even more risk with 40% of LGBTQIA+ youth reporting seriously considering suicide in the last year. We must continue to evaluate current research to ensure an understanding of the risks to children. This training will look at the changes in data related to suicidality, the special populations at greater risk, and warning signs to look for when working with youth.

In this training, you will learn:

  • The current data reported on suicidality in youth
  • The populations found to be at an increased risk
  • The red flags and warning signs for potential suicidality


Alexandra Beineman, LMSW, Associate Director of Program and Staff Development, Camber Children’s Mental Healthcheryl costabile, MA, LCPC, LPC

Webinar 2 Assessment and Intervention

Wednesday, September 28 from 12  – 1 p.m. CDT

suicide prevention

Evidenced-based assessment is key to providing a quick, adequate response to a child experiencing suicidal ideation. The interventions we use must be clinically sound and attuned to that person’s life. As the technological world advances, so does our ability to ​provide interventions that youth can connect with and utilize in a more effective way. This training will focus on advancements in intervention and best practices in the assessment of suicidal ideation in youth.

In this training, you will learn:

  • Evidenced-based ways to assess suicidality
  • Immediate interventions to ensure safety when suicidality is identified
  • Technological advances in suicide interventions


Alexandra Beineman, LMSW, Associate Director of Program and Staff Development, Camber Children’s Mental HealthBrynn Fowler, LMSW, Camber Kansas City Executive Director of Psychiatric Residential Facility Services

Webinar 3 – Continued Care and Precautions 

Thursday, October 6 from 12  – 1 p.m. CDT

suicide prevention

Once a child struggling with suicidality is stabilized, it is imperative to plan for continued care to ensure ongoing safety and wellbeing. This training will navigate through the different ways treatment providers and caregivers can support a child after immediate intervention. It will also discuss universal steps that can be taken to increase suicide prevention in communities and homes.

In this training, you will learn:

  • The next steps in caring for a child struggling with suicidality
  • Safety plans and resources available via apps on your phone
  • Universal precautions that can be used in all settings to reduce suicidality


Alexandra Beineman, LMSW, Associate Director of Program and Staff Development, Camber Children’s Mental Health

Chad E. Anderson, LSCSW, KVC Health Systems Chief Clinical Officer

You will receive 1 CEU for each webinar you attend as they are each one hour in duration. These CEUs are approved by the Kansas & Missouri State Committees of Social Workers and can be used by any profession that recognizes State Committee for Social Worker approved CEUs.

Click here to learn more about our presenters.

For questions or if you’re having an issue registering, please reach out to us at