Anh Vinh, MD

dr. anh vinh

Dr. Anh Vinh has been with Camber Children’s Mental Health for more than four years and serves as the Executive Medical Director of Medical Services. With evidence of how childhood trauma is correlated to chronic illnesses and addiction, Dr. Vinh focuses on combining her physical health expertise as a family physician with Camber’s world-renowned behavioral and mental healthcare services. This collaboration allows Camber to move beyond assessments and meaningfully address long-term health issues in individuals and communities.

Additionally, Dr. Vinh enhances Camber’s health and wellness programs to improve clinical outcomes for both clients and employees. She performs both regional and national research related to integrated healthcare and models of service provision, suggests clinical pathways to monitor health and wellness outcomes, provides guidance on the growth of technology platforms that prevent medical risks, and develops protocols influenced by evidence-based and best practice guidelines.

Professional affiliations include the American Board of Family Medicine and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Dr. Vinh received her medical degree from the University of Kansas Medical Center and completed her residency in its Department of Family Medicine. She is also a Kansas Reynolds Program in Aging Faculty Scholar.

“As a primary care physician, I was trusted with patients’ stories of their deepest traumas. Some of these same patients were hardest ones to care for due to illnesses and addictions. All physicians knew there was a backstory of trauma in our hardest patients before ACEs studies, but when those studies were published, we finally had help in defining exactly what trauma and resilience does to our physical health.

“I work with some of the most traumatized children in Kansas. Some of these clients have been neglected or experienced other trauma and as a result, they neglect their own physical health. Camber and the larger KVC Health Systems family of nonprofits are unique in their emphasis on trauma-informed care and focus on the future health impact. Caring for this extremely vulnerable population, and the possibility of making a real impact on their future health, is why Camber is the future of how we view chronic illness and prevention.” – Dr. Anh Vinh