KVC Prairie Ridge Hospital to Participate in Suicide Prevention Walk

In 2013, suicide claimed 41,149 lives in the United States alone according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. That translates to someone taking their life every 12.8 minutes. A suicide attempt is made every minute of every day, resulting in nearly one million attempts made annually.
As we observe National Suicide Prevention week September 7-13, we focus on activities and education to promote prevention. National Suicide Prevention week and World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10) are important times. It’s important to pause and reflect on programs and education. As KVC Hospitals planned activities, we decided we wanted to participate in something where we could promote suicide prevention long after the weekly observance in September.
On October 3, 2015, the KVC Prairie Ridge Hospital team will join with thousands of people nationwide in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s (AFSP) Out Of The Darkness Community Walk at Berkley Riverfront Park in Kansas City, Mo. The walk will raise awareness and funds. This will allow AFSP to invest in new research, and create educational programs. As well as advocate for public policy and support survivors of suicide loss. With 77 local chapters and events hosted nationwide, AFSP’s goal is to reduce the annual suicide rate 20% by 2025.
“We decided to get involved with the Out of The Darkness Community Walk to show support for our clients, their families, and our community. To let them know that we stand with them as they battle suicide,” said Astra Garner, Director of Clinical Services and Community Outreach. “As the suicide rate has been on the rise, promoting awareness for suicide prevention is an important task for the mental health community. By continuing to work toward these prevention goals, we also aim to battle mental health stigma as well.”
When you walk in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Walks, you join efforts with thousands of people nationwide. All to raise money for AFSP’s vital research and education programs to prevent suicide and save lives. The walks raise awareness about depression and suicide. They provide comfort and assistance to those who have lost someone to suicide.
- Walk with our team on October 3:
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