New Video Features KVC Prairie Ridge Hospital’s Campus and Treatment Services

KVC Prairie Ridge Hospital offers psychiatric inpatient and residential treatment services for children and adolescents struggling with depression, anxiety, trauma, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts and feelings of violence. Located on our serene 75-acre campus in Kansas City, Kan., Prairie Ridge provides a modern, safe, secure and child-friendly treatment environment in a private and peaceful setting.
In this new 4 minute video below, viewers get a birds-eye view of our psychiatric and residential treatment facilities as well as an inside view of our hospital, including our welcoming reception area, full-size gymnasium, play therapy room and treatment spaces. Prairie Ridge employees, along with the guardian of a past client, discuss KVC’s treatment philosophy and how it impacts the care we provide to our clients, as well as our treatment outcomes.
“A lot of our employees are parents themselves, so we are glad to be able to offer this video to families as a tool to enhance their familiarity with our environment as they make the decision on which treatment opportunity is best for their child,” says Astra Garner, Director of Clinical Services at KVC Prairie Ridge Hospital.
Click here to learn more about KVC Prairie Ridge Hospital or learn more about our treatments.